We make artisanal collectible cards from freshly harvested binary trees.


Founded in 2022, we aim to make the best Computer Science collectible cards in the world.

What does it take to make a fine deck of CS cards? We'd say, always start by harvesting the freshest binary trees.

Our artisans then clean 'em, dry 'em, mix 'em with some secret source, and press 'em into a fine set of cards.
Q: What can I use the cards for?
A: Obvious pedagogical purposes aside, since they are collectibles, you can keep them for their aesthetics, showcase them, or gift them.
Q: What decks are available?
A: Right now, we have the Data Structure Cards v1 available.
Q: Will there be other decks in the future?
A: Yes! Check out our roadmap. There'll also be game cards based on Computer Science concepts.
Q: What about products other than cards?
A: Eventually, but absolutely yes.
Q: What is your social security and your mother's maiden name?
A: It's six oh you cheeky bastard.
Some decks may be collectibles, and others may be games.
- Data Structures
- Algorithms
- Programming Languages
- Operating System
- Automata Theory
- Concurrency
- Design Patterns
- NP-Complete Problems
- Assembly Language
- Compiler
- Segfault! (Game)
- Distributed Systems
- Dynamic Programming
- ...And More